Double Coconut Hemp Cookies is Where I’m At

As I write this, a batch of hemp cookies are in the oven. I will share the recipe if they are good. If they don’t work out, I will likely eat them over the sink feeling like a disappointment for losing at baking while watching YouTube reviews of Tiger King.

I’m in about week 4 or so of being shutdown for the Covid-19 world health crisis. Being asked to change my life plans because of a pandemic has sparked all sorts of things in my schedule and in my mental health. The fact that I am baking today and feeling creative and positive about the future is worth writing about.

The past few weeks have been as dark most blondes’ roots. I’ve had days feeling like we need to be getting ready for the NEXT natural disaster, for the much bigger apocalyptic experience I was told would happen as a child growing up in a doomsday cult. I’m so grateful that this is not that and most will survive regardless of faith. Regardless, I am prepared to live through this.

I was supposed to start a new job this week but my new boss has not returned my messages so… ya. Nothing new in the cannabis industry but a let down none the less considering it is an essential service and every business could and should be rocking it out of the park once they figure out how to mitigate viral spread.

My fantastic husband, who is managing to keep a somewhat regular schedule and maintaining his hobbies, suggested I write down what I want to do with this week, this month, this year, 5 years, etc. It helped to bring things back into focus.

I’ve been exercising, eating healthy, staying hydrated, meditating, getting good sleep, and taking care of the apartment Victory Garden as past of my current 2020 survival lifestyle. I’m reaching out to keep tabs on my people and that is also helping to ground me, knowing that I am not alone.

I’ve also apparently been craving coconut. So I made cookies,they turned out, and I must be a winner at life. If you are baking these days, please enjoy.

Double Coconut Hemp Cookies

  • 1C shredded coconut, unsweetened
  • 1C almond flour
  • 1/4 C hemp seeds
  • 4T coconut sugar
  • 1t vanilla
  • 2T water
  • 1/4C chopped chocolate, or chips

Wash your hands. Mix dry and wet ingredients with washed hands or a spoon until fully combined. Roll into 12 balls and flatten into a round cookie shape. Bake at 350F for 10-14 minutes.

Stay safe out there. And remember to Wash Your Damn Hands.

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