2018- The Year Cannabis Goes Raw


You think you know about cannabis?

I thought I knew about cannabis because I had tried it in every form from smoking, vaping, dabbing, vape pens, edibles, topicals, suppositories, tinctures, patches, pills, bath bombs, lubes, and throat sprays. Plus, I had tried hundreds of different varieties and was successfully managing my chronic health conditions without any additional medications.

Then, I tried it raw. No longer did cannabis feel like a bandaid to be reapplied every few hours or even a pain medication alternative. Cannabis in its raw form felt like it was healing me on a deeper level and providing benefits I wasn’t receiving from all of those other forms of ingestion.

Very few people eat the cannabis plants, even if they grow, and many more still have no idea such a thing is even possible or why they would want to bother with such a thing.

For this reason, I’ve made it a personal passion project and mission to spread this message. Through my weekly blog, that I welcome you to follow, people who want to live healthy and learn more about the health benefits of raw cannabis and the vast ways it can be used for wellness.

Raw cannabis is only one part of living a healthy lifestyle which is why I started a Butterfly Sessions profile on Patreon. As a health coach, I know that people succeed 80 percent more of the time when they have support to reach their health goals. People usually have some idea of how to be healthy but what they really need is somebody to check in with, encourage them, remind them what they are working on, give them ideas to try, and help them acknowledge and celebrate their success. Having this subscription platform really allows me to give that back to people who follow and support me.

With the help of my patrons I will be self-publishing a book about eating raw cannabis in Feb 2018 and moving forward in spreading a health message about this beneficial and nutritious plant.  (Thank you to all my supporters!)

Follow for more health tips follow:

YouTube @Butterflysessions, Twitter @butterflysesh, Facebook @butterflysesh, Instagram @butterflysessions

Pam Dyer is a Holistic Health Coach who trains people with scoliosis and chronic illness how they can improve sleep, gut health, immunity, and brain function to live full and hurt less.  To book a consult with Pam please email:  butterflysessions@gmail.com  

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